Saturday, January 24, 2004

Moving out

hi there, balls here ... ( uh, u know the rest!)
i will be shifting base to mumbai next week. the prep course i am on is nearing the end. it was informative and fun.
ok, trivia for the day :
what do you get if u put 23 sailors in one room ?
seamen, lotsa seamen !
not to mention a very colourful vocabulary. had quite a few interesting characters, like Mr. D. buggerkeeps asking doubts. A conversation with him would start with a question, end with a question with lots of questions in between. if he was a cross dresser, we would have called him Mrs.Doubtfire. Sometimes, the questions are brilliant, makes u wonder, how a brain like his could come up with such a thing; and sometimes they are too fuckin' silly, again makes u wonder, how anybody with a brain at all, could come up with such a thing. Then there was this sardar. if u ask him where he's from, he'd start "actually, i ..." and give u all the places in north india where he'd resided and then finish with " am from patiala in punjab in india." our paaji was in love with a soni kudi but the kudi seems to have said ta ta bye bye to paaji and got herself engaged to another sardar, also from patiala in punjab in india. never a dull moment in the class.
well, i am stayin at J.Lo's ( not the latino babe but Jayanthi Lodge). its pretty near Parrys bus stand, a few minutes of jay-walking ought to bring u to J.Lo's. Recently, J.Lo. had an erection (ok, so whats this, Ripley's believe it or not ? ) nay, those people from Hutch erected their tower. so its easy to spot the building, sticks out like a sore dick. no point coming on weekdays, i'd be away, busy with the prep course. no point coming on weekends, i am usually away with my sailor friends. any other day, u r most welcome.

p.s. : I must stop writing post scripts